Registration ends March 26h.

Register Here

Why is Volleyball Good For Kids?

Volleyball can be an excellent sport for kids for several reasons:

  1. Improves Physical Fitness: Volleyball is a physically demanding sport that requires running, jumping, hitting, and diving. Playing volleyball helps children develop endurance, strength, flexibility, and agility, improving their overall physical fitness.
  2. Develops Coordination: Volleyball involves complex hand-eye coordination, footwork, and body control. Through regular practice, children can improve their coordination, balance, and timing.
  3. Enhances Social Skills: Volleyball is a team sport, and playing it can help children develop social skills such as communication, cooperation, and leadership. It also provides an opportunity to make friends and build a sense of community.
  4. Boosts Confidence: Learning new skills and achieving success in volleyball can boost children’s confidence and self-esteem.
  5. Teaches Sportsmanship: Volleyball requires players to follow rules and show respect for their opponents and teammates. It teaches children important values such as fairness, respect, and sportsmanship.

Overall, volleyball is a fun and challenging sport that can provide numerous physical, social, and emotional benefits for kids.

Details About BattleGR’s Volleyball League 2023

Please note: This is an intro league.
We want to get players on the court and learn the game. For that reason, we will have small team sizes.
Eligible age groups:
3rd/4th Graders & 5th/6th Graders. 

Time period:

6 weeks – Starting the week of April 10th 2023

Practices per week:

1 practice a week, Monday or Tuesday or Thursday.

After you sign up you will receive a google form to fill out and select which night works best for you.

How many Games/Matches:

4 weeks of Matches – 3 games per saturday

April 29th, May 6th, May 13th, May 20th.

(3 matches each week)

Cost and what it includes:

$250 per player includes t-shirt and some special open gym times outside of practice that is optional.

Securing your child’s spot::

Register Online

Other age groups:

If your child is not 3rd – 6th grade please fill out this form. We are looking at adding other age groups but also want to make sure we have enough interest.

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