Leagues (Youth and Adult)

We currently do not have any leagues scheduled. If you are interested in running a league at BattleGR please email [email protected]

Check out our events calendar for other special events coming up.  

Tactical Laser Tag is a lot different then traditional laser tag. For one we use head sensors instead of vests. Another big different is our game play. We have over 30 different strategic objective based games we play. Our games are like walking into your favorite video game and being able to be the hero. We love to focus on communication, leadership, adaptation, teamwork, and awareness to your surroundings.

Archery Tag/Combat Archery is played like dodgeball with bows and arrows. It is tons of fun. Of course everyone wears a mask and the arrows have foam tips. If you like paintball or airsoft you will love Archery Tag. We put our own BattleGR spin on the games to help keep you coming back. Bows are 4 ft tall so 9 and older are recommended. We will be starting our Archery Tag Academy in November and leagues in January for 3rd grade and older.

More Details

We currently don’t have any leagues running. Please contact us if you are interested in running a league at BattleGR. [email protected]




Adult Leagues

  • NBattleGR’s offers leagues
  • NFor all ages and abilities
  • NVolleyball
  • NBasketball
  • NCombat Archery Leagues
  • NBattleGR and Best Damn Sports and Social Club of GR have partnered together to bring you adult volleyball, basketball, and combat archery leagues.

Tactical Laser Tag is a lot different then traditional laser tag. For one we use head sensors instead of vests. Another big different is our game play. We have over 30 different strategic objective based games we play. Our games are like walking into your favorite video game and being able to be the hero. We love to focus on communication, leadership, adaptation, teamwork, and awareness to your surroundings.

Archery Tag/Combat Archery is played like dodgeball with bows and arrows. It is tons of fun. Of course everyone wears a mask and the arrows have foam tips. If you like paintball or airsoft you will love Archery Tag. We put our own BattleGR spin on the games to help keep you coming back. Bows are 4 ft tall so 9 and older are recommended. We will be starting our Archery Tag Academy in November and leagues in January for 3rd grade and older.

Volleyball is a team sport in which two 6 player teams are separated by a net. Each team goal is to score points by grounding a ball on the other team’s side.

Futsal is a form of indoor soccer played on a basketball court with a small, cotton filled, heavier ball than a normal soccer ball. It is popular in Europe and focuses more on skills. We can connect you with the organizations that are running leagues here in our facility.
Axe Throwing Leagues will be announced in October. Please check back for more details!